This website and all of its content, including but not limited to text, designs, graphics, interface, images, and code, are owned or licensed by The Caterers or third parties. The Caterers‘s copyright is displayed on the website with the phrase: “© 2025 Copyright by The Caterers. All rights reserved.”

All trademarks, trade names, company logos, product designs, and other intellectual property elements on the website are owned by The Caterers and are protected under Vietnamese Intellectual Property Law and related legal documents.

Any act of copying, quoting, editing, distributing, publishing, or circulating the content on this website for commercial purposes without The Caterers‘s prior written consent is an infringement of The Caterers‘s rights. In such cases, The Caterers reserves the right to demand cessation of such activity and seek compensation for any resulting damages (if applicable).


The Caterers’ Rights and Responsibilities

  • The Caterersreserves the right to modify or discontinue the contents and functionality of any part or all of the website at any time without prior notice to users.
  • The Caterersreserves the right to implement security measures to protect the website from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, or destruction of information.
  • The Caterersis not responsible for any delays, failures, or disruptions in the transmission of data or information when using the website, as the transmission may occur via devices or networks outside of The Caterers‘s control.
  • Personal information such as address, email, and phone number voluntarily provided by website users may be used internally by The Caterersfor purposes of enhancing its products and services. The Caterers commits not to disclose this information to third parties unless required by law or authorized by law enforcement. In such cases, The Caterers will notify the user in writing.

However, despite the security technologies in place, no data transmitted over the internet can be 100% secure. Therefore, The Caterers cannot guarantee the complete confidentiality of the information you provide, and will not be held liable for any unauthorized access to personal data. All non-confidential information or materials submitted by users to the website are not considered confidential, and The Caterers has the right to use or transmit them for any purpose.

  • The Caterersis free to use any ideas or concepts submitted to the website for any purpose, including the development, production, or marketing of products. The Caterers is not obligated to compensate the submitter.
  • You must ensure that the information and documents you submit are within your right to use, meaning that The Catererswill not infringe upon any third-party rights.
  • The Caterersreserves the right to reject certain documents submitted by users without providing any reason.

User’s Rights and Responsibilities

  • Users are permitted to read, extract, print, download, and share content from the website for personal and non-commercial purposes, provided they include the copyright notice: “© 2025 Copyright by The Caterers”.
  • Users agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using The Caterers‘s website. Users must not interfere with the use of the website by other users or disrupt the operation and management of the website.
  • The Caterersand its affiliates, subsidiaries, and employees are not liable for any loss, damage, or expenses incurred as a result of your use or reliance on any information from the website.
  • If you are dissatisfied with any information on the website or any of the terms and conditions of use, your only remedy is to discontinue your access to or use of the website’s information.


  • These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Vietnam.
  • If any provision of these Terms of Use is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
  • The Catererswelcomes any comments or suggestions regarding the website content. If you believe that any part of the website infringes upon the copyright of a third party, please contact The Caterers‘s Communications Department.

This notice and the associated Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between The Caterers and you regarding your use of the website. The Caterers reserves the right to amend these terms at any time by updating this notice on the website. You should regularly visit the website to stay informed of any updates to these regulations.

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